Tuesday, October 8, 2019

ARC Review: The Poor and the Haunted

The Poor and the Haunted
by: Dustin Mckissen
The Poor and the Haunted

From Goodreads

As a child Jimmy Lansford and his sister Kelly suffered crushing poverty, their father’s unexplained and frightening suicide, and their mother’s constant abuse and cruelty. Having grown to be a successful adult, Jimmy must contend with the sudden re-emergence of memories from his childhood in Oklahoma and unexplainable events occurring inside his own home. Is it more than memories that haunt Jimmy? Did his parents suffer from mental illness and addiction, or were they possessed by something even worse—and has that presence arrived to take Jimmy?

My Review

I received this book as an ARC from the Publisher Netgalley and the Author Dustin Mckissen for an honest review.
Expected publication: October 31st 2019 by Black Rose Writing.

I would not really say this novel is a horror story but it will pull at your heartstrings.  Jimmy and Kelly was raised in an abusive home with both parents being alcoholics and drug addicts and being very poor.  When the children's father committed suicide when Kelly was just 12 yrs old their life did not get better.  Jimmy and Kelly formed a great bond that got them through their every day life with a mother that did not care about them at all.  Jimmy grew up and got married and when his daughter turned 12 yrs old Jimmy started to experience strange things happening to him.  That just made Jimmy start to question if evil was in his father and if that evil is now with him.  Jimmy started to see things and feel stuff that was not natural.  Jimmy is convinced that the devil took over his parents bodies and is questioning if the devil is trying to take over his.  
The Author Dustin Mckissen did a wonderful job with this debut novel.  I look forward to seeing what other novels he will write in the future.

The Truth About Books by Theresa!


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